I’m trying to understand some of the function in WordPress, but I can’t get my head around what apply_filters(…) actually does.
Is someone able to clear this up for me with a few examples?
NOTE: This question was originally posted at StackOverflow.com by Tim
- Daniel asked 15 years ago
- last edited 14 years ago
- commenttttttt
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apply_filters($tag, $value)
passes the ‘value’ argument to each of the functions ‘hooked’ (using add_filter
) into the specified filter ‘tag’. Each function performs some processing on the value and returns a modified value to be passed to the next function in the sequence.
For example, by default (in Wordpress 2.9) the the_content
filter passes the value through the following sequence of functions:
- wptexturize
- convert_smilies
- convert_chars
- wpautop
- shortcode_unautop
- prepend_attachment
- do_shortcode
NOTE: This answer was originally posted at StackOverflow.com by Richard M
- Mike answered 15 years ago
- last edited 15 years ago
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Here’s what I’m gleaning, upon considering the most popular answer and additional resources:
- $tag seems to be a synonym for the name of the hook. (That’s not particularly intuitive to me.)
- the_content is an example of a hook, of the “filter” type.
- the_content hook consists of multiple filters.
- Filters modify data. They basically filter the database, changing the data before the users view it.
- A common use of apply_filters(), for instance, is to apply the_content filters to $content. In this instance, double returns will convert to
tags, smiley faces will convert to icons, etc. - “the_content” is a hook, while “the_content()” is a function.
NOTE: This answer was originally posted at StackOverflow.com by Marjorie Roswell
- Roger answered 14 years ago
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In the most basic terms, apply_filters is used to initialise a filter hook… add_filter assigns a new function to hooks that have already been created.
NOTE: This answer was originally posted at StackOverflow.com by Steve
- John answered 15 years ago
- psum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullam
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psum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullam
- demo answered 9 years ago
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